EGAS加速度传感器:The Model EGAS is a miniature, uniaxial accelerometer featuring ranges from ?5 gsthrough 2500 g's. This rugged unit weights less than 1 gram (without leads) and has an over range limit of ?10,000 g's. The 1/2 active bridge issuitableforshuntcalibration.Withanoperating temperature range of -40℃ to 120℃, the EGAS is theunitofchoiceformeasurementprofessionals in the automotive, aerospace and transportation industries. Its combined non-linearity and hysteresis of ?1% makes the EGAS well-suited for on-site testing as well aslaboratoryuse.
输出: ±100mV (20 to 0.04 mV/g)
量程: ±5 ,±10 ,±25 ,±50 ,±100 ,±250 ,±500 ,±1000 ,±2500g
工作温度范围: -40℃ ~ 120℃
精确度:1% FSO
供电电源:15 VDC
特点:微型坚固加速度计,只比EGA微型系列大一点点,仅1克,然而它结合了过量程停止器和粘性阻尼的特点,拥有过载保护特性,频率响应达3.5KHz, 多种封装形式
典型应用: 振动监控,惯性导航,运动控制,碰撞测试